So sorry there haven't been many updates this week. Been extremely busy with the April update. Lotta nice stuff going up for April on EFE. Plus, well...I've had a few beers, so what do I care about being online now? Nada. Love me, kids.
Blog From Esoterica
Companion Blog to the web music magazine, Echo From Esoterica, created by its editor Jason Thompson.
Saturday, March 30, 2002
Thursday, March 28, 2002
Got groovy As back to my Qs to Kathy Compton. So yes, kiddies, the interview will be appearing in the April update of Echo From Esoterica. Can you dig it? I knew that you could.
All righty, this blog o' mine now has comment capabilities. I dunno if that's good or not. If I think it sucks, then it can always be done away with.
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Hey, do me a favor and don't pluralize words with apostrophes, ok? I can't stand that shit. See it all the time in chat rooms. Examples: "My friend's are coming over tonight." "I picked up some apple's at the store today." And worst of all...and I see this ALL THE FUCKING TIME EVERYWHERE...CDs pluralized with an apostrophe! It's just CDs, ok, not "CD's". No, it DOESN'T "look right", and moreover, it's just flat out wrong. So don't do that!
Jeeeezus Keeeyrist. I got another hilarious long-winded letter regarding my opinions on lousy ex-Pseudo Echo schleps INVERTIGO. I believe the band has about ten rabid fans, all of who really give a shit about what everyone else thinks about these clowns. These readers really like to give it to me over the fact that I said "the musician's nursing home is calling, boys". And then they proceed to go on about how Atlantic Records kept delaying the band's release, and this is why they haven't yet dominated the airwaves in America. I think Atlantic was just smart and realized that no one wants to listen to the moronic masterminds behind the shittiest cover of "Funkytown".
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
Need some excitement? I have none here! I'm waiting on a P'Zone again, that's about it. Yeah, I love the damned things. Probably the best thing Pizza Hut ever added to their never-changing menu. But hey, does anyone else happen to remember their PRIAZZO that made a brief appearance in the '80s? It was a pizza with a top crust. I miss 'em.
France's Telepopmuzik are a drag. They have an annoying hit single "Breathe" and little else to recommend their Genetic World album. Is it just me, or are all these French electronica import groups just becoming more and more annoying? They usually don't have an album's worth of good ideas and get by on a lot of hype and hipster style. Fuck that.
Obviously, the question is: "What the hell am I doing up at 3:30 AM?" The answer I am giving is "I have no idea, time to head back to bed."
Monday, March 25, 2002
Got a hilarious email from an angry reader over this review I wrote for Adam Schmitt's Demolition over at PopMatters. The angered idiot wrote:
"You are probably one of those Salieri sucks who can only feel smart by trying to count the hairs on a greater man's butt. Too bad that pretty much describes the level to which you've risen, & probably will ever rise in the rock world. This 'aint your field buddy. Forget trying to write about rock music."
Gee, if he only knew. I told him to come by EFE and read some more so he could get pissed off again. Ahh, the fans who take it personally. Gotta love 'em.
If you kiddies truly love rock and roll, then be sure to check out Boston's TOOTSIE, an all-female rockin' trio that kicks the shit out of all the other so-called "rock" being played on the radio these days. Tremendously groovy.

Ah! I got a concerned email regarding my review for a crummy INVERTIGO album at How could I write such things? The horror! Well, I'd just like to say that I think the album sucked (the writer of the email wanted concrete examples), especially coming from some dudes who were formerly in PSEUDO ECHO (they fucked up "Funkytown" in the '80s and then disappeared promptly because everyone realized they were shit) and that's it. No need for discourse.