Kelly Clarkson seduced you? Oh you are sad, people.
OK, so who of you actually wasted money on Clarkson? Christ, when will you people learn? Fine, go ahead and give her her hit album. Make her "effort" worth it. The chick can't sing, though. Fuck, how many people over 18 bought this album? It makes me seriously want to gouge my bowels out with a trowel. Please, music gods, don't give me anything good! Give me plastic bullshit from a Star Search clone!
Hell, some of you fuckers fell for Sam Harris when he was the first Star Search "vocalist" winner way back when. "Sugar Don't Bite". Christ. Oh well, I hope you enjoy pissing your money away on complete garbage. The least you can do is just download her stinky shit. Of course, she's probably not going to make much money from her album sales given the fact that most artists get majorly fucked over in that area, and I can't imagine a live show of hers being good at all.
Why some idiots choose to destroy Dixie Chicks albums when they could be sacrificing Kelly Clarkson CDs to some pagan being is beyond me. Hell, just take that Clarkson disc, set it on the ground and take a large steaming hot poop all over it. It will make you feel better, goddammit. Even Debbie Gibson was better than this shit.
It doesn't matter. The music industry is going down the tubes. Time to rethink your strategies, major labels. Time to stop banking your stale wad on these fly by night pop singers and do what you used to do. That's right. Put some balls behind your artist development, seek out truly worthy and talented acts, and put albums out more than once every 2-3 years. Damn right the audience moves on after that long. Why should they wait?
Blog From Esoterica
Companion Blog to the web music magazine, Echo From Esoterica, created by its editor Jason Thompson.