Screw Your List
Do I really care who is Best and Worst Dressed? Of course not! Anna Nicole Smith dresses like more people I see than I'd care to mention. Normal, everyday people! Doesn't that say more about us than our fixation on some actress wearing a $25,000 dress? Go fuck yourselves at the Gap and Abercrombie and Fitch, I say.
Blog From Esoterica
Companion Blog to the web music magazine, Echo From Esoterica, created by its editor Jason Thompson.
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
Mr. Timberlake Adorns Rolling Stone
I keep trying to figure out how much more time these morons are going to get press coverage. Just because you have released a shitty album does not mean you have to give the poster boy for incestuous Michael Jackson pop the front cover. Justin looking all sensitive and sexy is hilarious, as most times it looks like he's taking a shit or getting his nuts mawled by a pit bull, but what's even better is the shit he has to say in his interview. He's most proud of putting down a guy for asking about he and Britney Spears, quote:
Do you realize how you sound right now? You're a grown-ass man - and you want to know about a twenty-one-year-old's so-called love life? Do you want me to repeat what you just said so you can know what an ass you sound like?
Ooh, Justin, you bad ass muthafucka, you. Jusy remember you got yourself into this whole scene fucking made it everyone's business, so why not stop whining and be that 21 year old crybaby that thegirls all squeal for? Shut the fuck up and do your job. You aren't interesting as a sound bite. But he goes on, anyway:
When we were together it was like bliss, like something from a damn fairy tale. But right now, I just don't see - it's just so hard. So hard. I'm the type of person, if I'm not exactly sure about something, then I'll wait it out and see. I may never get over her. That's why I'm kind of chilling. I'm waiting to see. I do have to come to the realizatoin that I might never. I think now, more than ever, everything is OK. But I still love her. I really do still love that girl.
Sounds exactly like a 21 year old moron with his dick in his hands and his ass in the bank. Come on, Rolling Stone. Do you really think we give a flying fuck about this douchebag and Britney Spears? You're just fucking spinning your wheels now. And it just makes you look worse. This, next to some "cutting edge journalism" a few pages later about the rise of meth labs amongst the youth in a certain town completely undermines your agenda. But what agenda is that, exactly? Performing cunnilingus on the teenage girls who will undoubtedly buy the issue because Timberlake is on the cover while at the same time pretending to be some kind of crack serious band of writers? one gives a fuck.