The Bigger They Think They Are...The Dumber They Look.
This is not a new site, but I want you to hit the link and have a good laugh. Go on. Enjoy the hilarious egomaniacal bullshit that litters each paragraph. I used to write with a few of these folks during my days at Epinions. I suppose the saddest thing is these guys could never break from each other and strike out new territory on their own. Sad to say I was part of that whole enclave so long ago. But hey, the smart ones broke free from this gaggle of goofs. I dig how their message board is taken up by the creators themselves. Funny thing is, a number of the original core split from the site. But who could blame them after offering up that bravado? Rule #1: If you actually have to call yourself a hipster...that's right, you undoubtedly rode the special bus to college. And don't believe a word of that About page. The bark is certainly worse than their bite. Has anyone ever been gummed to death?
Oh it's a nifty looking site, all right. Kinda. Nah, not really.
Blog From Esoterica
Companion Blog to the web music magazine, Echo From Esoterica, created by its editor Jason Thompson.
Saturday, November 02, 2002
Thursday, October 31, 2002
What's wrong, P. Diddy? You not getting enough attention lately?
Yeah so Piddy is doing the next Making THe Band on MTV. Laughable, I say. In it, he comes off as a whiny, spoiled goob who seems completely incompetent. Come on, P. Do you really think we're all gonna get into whatever "group" you supposedly come up with? He claims it wasn't gonna be any corny shit or fake whatever (I guess that was a dig at O-Town, but they were always so shitty, what's the point?), but I doubt it highly. I guess the Puff Puff doesn't have his hands in enough pies. Yeah, next thing he'll be doing is putting his face on all the bottles of Cristal that he cherishes so deeply. Dude, take my advice: swig a big ass 40, get fucked up, and stop with the diamond encrusted bullshit already.
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
So let's discuss this whole Nirvana greatest hits thing.
For $18.99 you can get it on TV with a bonus poster! You know, I was never a big fan of this group. I thought they were overrated, and never thought Cobain was a genius, even if his lyrics were striking a more personal chord at the time that a lot of the music that had preceded the grunge movement (i.e. "hair metal") hadn't.
Anyway, Courtney Love has been quoted as saying money was the thing that got the thing released along with the new song, and that's probably true. And I don't give a shit at all, because money is what gets a lot of things done. The only thing I'm left pondering is all the fans who always talked about Cobain's "artistic integrity". Now they're gonna shell out more cash for tunes they already had at a crappy price, and one new song that's been available online for long enough. And they'll do it happily, completely turning themselves into a double-faced freak. Again, not that I care. But I just want all these people who whine about selling out and this and that to finally shut the fuck up and just buy their music and suck their thumbs. These people will inevitably also buy the requisite boxed set that will undoubtedly be more of the same. Wow...all their albums packaged in one box with a big glossy book filled with "rare" photos and probably an over the top kissass essay by some dude like David Wild (the biggest kissass if there ever was one; watching him interview Lou Reed on Musicians was gut wrenching and hilarious as Lou obviously didn't give a shit for Wild's drooling) that hails Cobain's music one more time and quotes facts that everyone already knew. Oh and there'll probably be some b-sides and live shit collected that really wasn't worth hearing in the first place. All for 60 bucks.
And of course we're also going to get Cobain's journals that will give fans the kind of trashy thrill that Hammer of the Gods did for all the Zep fans, only this time the words will be coming from the man himself. I'm already annoyed by the fact that Kurt couldn't spell his drug of choice, heroin, correctly. And reading into some wasted junkie's memoirs can't be all that exciting, can it? Ah, but it will sell, and become a New York Times Bestseller and everyone will make heap big money. Ladies and gents, there is no such thing as artistic integrity. It went out the window the day Elvis made his first movie. Let that be a lesson.
Monday, October 28, 2002
Nothing better than running on about 4 hours of sleep total over the past 2 days from having a head full of snot. The great thing is I have to go run some errands today when I feel like shit. Yeah I know. Millions of others do, too. So be it.
Still, I don't have to dig it any,